Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Giving Thanks

Happy turkey leg!!

Ok, I know it's not turkey yet but it's tomorrow and I'm super excited about it. I'm not cooking up a storm yet but honey's mom is going to put me to work when we get there this evening and I can't wait. In the meantime, I've been baking on this end and picking up some last minute things for the trip. I have really been enjoying my time off this week. It's given me the opportunity to take Christopher to his drive times and pick him up. I'm not quite sure what we would have done had I not been available. Spending time with Bella has been a blessing as well and I know she has loved being home and not at daycare. I may have to work Thanksgiving week off every year from now on. The only thing I would have loved to do would have been to surprise honey at work one day and take him to lunch. That would have made his week! Maybe in the near future when Chris is driving (gulp) and I don't need to be his transportation service, it'll work out.  For now, I'm  enjoying my time at home with my babies soaking it all up!

Y'all have a great Thanksgiving Eve!!

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